Storytelling · 19. November 2021
The vintage treasures hiding in the home -and the heart- of a spectacular woman!
Viewpoint · 10. November 2019
Signs, symbols, emblems. The power of symbolism remains in the eye of the beholder.
Tutorial · 29. September 2019
A Tale of two Cities? Sure, but which ones? It may not be London, Paris, and the French revolution, but Dubai, Zürich, and Fashion revolution! At least that would be a good start in unravelling the mysteries behind this necklace's origins.
Storytelling · 22. September 2019
Water nymphs, what's the story with these mysterious mythical creatures? Mothers of Gods and worshipped deities themselves, heroines of countless Greek myths, both feared and adored, part villain -part saint, objects of desire, lust, passion, and drama, drama, drama!
Terminology · 15. September 2019
What means reclaimed ? A brief explanation, and an awesome makeover example, with a step-by-step photo tutorial.
Intro · 14. September 2019
Welcome to my first blog! As I am often asked about the meaning of the terms I use to describe my jewelry, their elements, or production process, I found it fit to start a little blog, where I can explain and de-mystify them. So if you have been losing any sleep regarding what "re-claimed" is, or what the actual difference between "up-cycled" and "re-cycled" is, or what the meanings of "vintage", "re-fashioned", "pre-loved", "de-constructed" are, then get ready to be enlightened and regain your...